
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Vogue 5253 Dress

So my 14 year old told me she has no Sunday clothes that fit her. She came close to regretting those words. You see, my poor 14 year-old has a love/hate relationship with my creative moods. And right now I'm in a creative mood -- so why go buy a dress when I can sew one -- using a vintage pattern no less?

This is where the love/hate thing comes into play. As any seamstress knows, sometimes the patterns turn out beautiful, great fitting clothes, and sometimes, well not-so-much. The problem is that it takes time for me to admit defeat when my creation doesn't work out. Then I get annoyed that she doesn't like it, and she gets annoyed that I'm being unreasonable......

The poor girl was probably having an inner freak-out when I pulled out the above pictured pattern. It's a circa 1950's Vogue 5253 pattern. Isn't it cute? This child, however, doesn't like "cute." I know she thought it looked far too juvenile for her tastes, but being the visionary seamstress that I am, I could picture this made up in a simple dot fabric that would be perfect, and not too juvenile, for summertime.

Well, was I right or was I right?! How cute -or not cute- is she?!

We decided to add a black belt and she can wear a little black sweater currently residing at the bottom of her dirty clothes basket. She wants me to take in the darts about 1/2", so the bodice is a little more fitted, which isn't a problem.

Hooray for success!!! Do you have any idea how hard it is to please this child? And this is where she tells me that I'm pushing my luck & I'd better put the camera down or there will be mutiny....

Fabric: Red Contrary Dots by Riley Blake Designs
Pattern: Vintage Vogue 5253

Binding: Joann's 
 Belt: Target


  1. I too have a daughter who,fortunately for me and my obsession with clothes making,will wear just about anything I make.Consequently I make her all the clothes I wish I could wear!!

  2. I think it came out wonderfully!
    I hope she trusts you next time. ;-)

  3. Very cute and age appropriate. I am appreciating my 7 year old, loving me making her clothes as I know this will change, one day.

  4. I had the same love/hate relationship with my mom. :)


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