
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chevron Laminates are IN!

Chevron Laminates are IN!

Laminated chevron striped cotton fabric from Riley Blake Designs is in the shoppe!  I couldn't be more excited.  RB laminates are super soft -- not the hard, bulky, difficult to work with laminates I've seen in the past.  And look at these gorgeous colors!

I was able to whip up this umbrella in about a little over an hour thanks to this easy to follow tutorial over at ModKid.

How super dang cute is that?!

Chevron cottons are also in stock, but selling crazy fast.  Love, love, love!



  1. Do you sell the grey chevron laminate in your store as well? So cute!

  2. We're completely sold out of the gray - hopefully we'll be getting more in a few weeks.

  3. Will you be getting in more Aqua & pink or navy & yellow Riley Blake laminate chevron fabric soon? I love it!

  4. Oops, I see pink,navy & yellow are available! Any idea when you'll have aqua?

  5. We should be getting more aqua in a few weeks:)


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